Adventure starts with making space in your calendar.

When we create space for God, He shows up. When we lean our ears towards heaven, He speaks.

Join us as we slow our pace & create space to find adventure in His Presence.

We'll gather together for a weekend to take a collective deep breath, encounter His Presence in deep & fresh ways through a variety of spiritual & creative exercises, & return home feeling recharged & reinvigorated.


The Voice of God

We'll use an array of exercises & practices with the lens of asking, "God, what are You saying" through this? And how can I tune-in to Your Voice in the everyday, ordinary moments? 
**This is the perfect entry into Hope Retreats. 

June 4-6, 2021

Cost: $400

*Includes 2 nights accommodation at shared retreat lodge + all meals + retreat supplies & activities *Application & $50 non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot by May 25th *Full payment due by May 25th, 2021


The Creator God

This retreat will focus on the Creator God and the beauty of creating with Him. We'll use a variety of creatively stretching activities & exercises to connect with the heart of Our Creator.
**This is best after attending "The Voice of God" retreat, though not required. Artistic skills not necessary. 

November 5-7, 2021

Cost: 400

*Includes 2 nights accommodation at retreat center + all meals + retreat supplies & activities *Application & $50 non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot

- Only 8-10 spots available for each retreat & based on application. - $50 non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot. - Full amount 2 weeks out. - Retreat cost is refundable [except deposit] up to 2 weeks from retreat date. - Retreat cost is fully transferrable to another person until 24 hours before retreat.